SUBMERGE is a Blog I like: Alternative Surfcraft Design, Photography, Inspiration… Check out the last letter from Dean :
The SUBMERGE BLOG has changed. No longer does it belong to it’s little stepbrother ‘SHACKSIDE’ (that was awhile ago), and nor is it about my black and white photography (not really anyway).
SUBMERGE is now all about the things that we’re thinking about down this way and that essentially comes down to: surfing, surfboard design, photography, art and all other related things inspirational.
Our perspective is left field for sure. You won’t see long winded blog entries on the intricicies and variations of the modern day thruster. You will find a bunch of stuff though that you may not have known about. As far as surfcraft design goes, to introduce these concepts and the people behind them is high on the agenda.
I welcome your feedback and if you’re into what you see pass it on.
The way I see it the more of us that are thinking outside the square the further surfing will progress away from our aggressive roots of the recent past, and forward into a harmonious and more open mindset where all ocean people get to share the stoke!