Welcome to GaySurfers.net

To become a member of the Gay Surfing community please visit our registration page. There are now more than 4500 members on the site, many of them probably close to you and your favorite surf breaks.  Once you are registered, simply click on the link below to login:


At the top of each page in the site you’ll find an admin bar where you can join groups, check for message from other members, or participate in the forums.  You can also use the search engine to find members from a specific country or surf spot.   We encourage you to join a group close to you, or perhaps in an area you like to travel for surfing. You can find a group to JOIN from the list of gay friendly surf spots .


Some of the most popular features that your fellow members enjoy are:


The site succeeds when members like yourself participate.  Post pictures, share a great surf day, send us a write-up on your favorite surf location, a great gay-friendly business in a surf area or whatever’s on your mind for the world of surfing, ocean, environment and enjoying life.

We hope you enjoy the site and arrange some great surf sessions with fellow members.  Let us know what you think, offers suggestions, or ask any questions at  info@gaysurfers.net


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