If you have a passion for surfing and would like to support a project throughout the world surfing community with other gay surfers, then you are at the right place.
The best way to participate is to become an active member in your local group.
Make sure you have joined the GROUP closest to you (check the list of GROUPS)
If you want to create a new GROUP, please contact info@gaysurfers.net
This is YOUR community
We publish new articles and add surfspots on a regular basis and we can’t find all the information by ourselves. So, we are counting on you to add new stuff on the site so that we stay current, interesting and relevant.
You can register your local surf spot by sending photos, videos and description to: info@gaysurfers.net
You can also post new topics on the forums
There are many other ways you can get involved:
- You can Donate money to help cover our ongoing costs
- If you are a business, you can support GS through sponsorship
- If you want to help locally, you can become a GROUP administrator.
- You can also help on one of our specific Community Projects
Spotted an opportunity for GS?
If you see an opportunity that you would like GaySurfers.net to be involved with, get in touch with us. We will be happy to chat with you about how GS can help.