Gay surfers can now surf Superbank on their way to the wedding ceremony.
The Queensland parliament on Wednesday night passed a bill that will allow gay and lesbian couples to enter into legally recognised civil unions from early next year.
Australian Marriage Equality National Convener Alex Greenwich said the new Queensland laws should pressure federal Labor to change its position on gay marriage.
“When we have the traditionally-conservative Queensland parliament accepting the legal recognition of same-sex relationships through official ceremonies, it’s a safe bet Australia is ready for same-sex marriages,” he said.
“It sends a clear message to the ALP National Conference that it’s time to provide equality for all Australians regardless of their sexual orientation or the state in which they live.”
This will be an interesting weekend in Australian politics. Stay tuned for the results.
Edited by David Wakefield – Thursday 1st December, 2011
To read full article – www.news.ninemsn.com.au
The world is changing!
Like we say in Brazil: “beter late than never”