Why Women’s Surfing is in the Deep End

Written by Clare Sullivan (Student/Writer/Surfer) Originally published by The Inertia Earlier this year, around the time of the inaugural Australian Open of Surfing in Manly, I found myself at a friend-of-a-friend’s barbecue. Of the twelve or so guests, my girlfriend and I were the only ones who weren’t female professional surfers. I didn’t need to be […]

Keala Kennelly: Beat on the Road

If women’s shortboarding were a song, Keala Kennelly would be the baseline. The deep, pulsating beat beneath the melody that keeps the tempo; the feeling of a heart beat pushing through a cacophony of noise. It’s no surprise that Keala is also a DJ, a mixologist of sound, finding the right beats to marry for […]

Proliferating Stereotypes for Profit

Written by Cori Schumacher. Originally published by The Inertia on May 30th, 2011. In the world of surfing, as in any other cultural hegemony that values American masculinity to the exclusion of other perspectives, the feminine is the Other, the “like me but hotter,” and is conceived of as an object with a greater or […]

For Female Surfers, Challenge is Out of the Water

Cori Schumacher during the longboard championships in France in July. She is boycotting an event in China because of “deep political and personal reservations.” By ZACH WEISBERG, Published: March 26, 2011, on nytimes.com Cori Schumacher is the reigning women’s world longboard champion, yet she has no major sponsors or endorsements. In fact, she refuses them, […]

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